麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu

Shared By:Ronghua

 Cooking time 4 minutes.

Ingredients:牛里脊肉minced stewed beef,豆腐Tofu

Seasonings:盐Salt,蚝油Oyster sauce,辣椒油Chili oil,Cooking oil,豆瓣酱broad-bean sauce,蒜末mashed garlic

Step 1 : 将豆腐切成小块。Cut the tofu into small cubes.

Step 2 :炒锅中加入cooking oil 后再加入蒜末和准备好的牛肉碎后翻炒1分钟,直到变色。 Add cooking oil and mashed garlic to stir fry to enhance flavor. And add the minced stewed beef to stir fry for about 1 minute until the turning of color.

Step 3 :  锅中加入200ml水后依次放入酱油,蚝油,豆瓣酱炒熟。Add in 200ml of fresh water, as well as the oyster sauce, soy sauce, broad-bean sauce to fry well.

Step 4: 加入准备好的豆腐煮2分钟即可。Add prepared tofu and used a low flame to boil for about 2 minutes.

We need to prepare




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