Cooking time 40 minutes
Ingredients:鲳鱼Silver Pomfret,蜜橘California orange
Seasonings:盐Salt,白胡椒粉 White pepper,柠檬汁Lemon juice
Step 1:鱼洗干净后加盐、白胡椒粉、柠檬汁与鱼混合,等候2-4分钟。Descale and gut the bass and wash. Than add some salt, white pepper, and lemon juice to the silver pomfret. Wait 2-4 minutes.
Step 2: 将橘子切片后铺在烤盘上。Put prepared orange on baking tray.
Step 3:用锡纸包好后放入烤箱内烤30分钟。Bake 30minutes.
We need to prepare