青椒牛肉Green pepper Beef

Start to finish 5-8 minutes.

Ingredients:   beef 300g, green pepper 2,

Seasonings:  salt 2-3g, cooking oil 15-20ml, soy sauce 2tsp, oyster sauce 1tsp, lemon juice 1tsp, black pepper

Step 1 : cut beef and green pepper into small pieces, and add soy sauce, oyster sauce, black pepper and lemon juice to beef and mix well. Wait 1 minutes.

Step 2 : Add cooking oil to the wok and put prepared beef and green pepper. Than stir fry for about 1 minute until cooked.

“Sautéed” is from French. Put a little cooking oil in the wok. Than, stir fry beef and green pepper quickly. There are delicious smell coming from the kitchen. We need to prepare




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