海鲜炒米饭Fried rice with seafood

Cooking time:10 minutes.

Ingredients: AA lettuce-Wosun,shiitake mushroom,shrimps,  onion, codfish, rice

Seasonings: salt, black pepper

Step 1 : peel the AA lettuce-Wosun, and cut AA lettuce, shiitake mushroom, onion, shrimps and codfish into small pieces.

Step 2 : add cooking oil, and put in prepared shiitake mushroom and onion to stir fry. Then put in prepared AA lettuce and rice.

Step 3 :put in prepared shrimps, codfish, salt and black pepper to stir fry well.


I was really pooped by the end of the day, and I can’t go out dinner tonight. But I am very hungry….Fried rice is good choice.

We need to prepare







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